Thursday, February 25, 2010

Which is more long-lasting, wallpaper or paint (plastic emulsion)?

Please also mention pros and cons for both.Which is more long-lasting, wallpaper or paint (plastic emulsion)?
Wall paper is easy to clean, doesn't show wear and tear and can change the whole feeling of a room to reflect a decorating statement. It is so long lasting that one can tire of the print long before the wall paper needs to be changed.

Paint is cheap. Can be applied by someone with little skill (as long as they are neat) and when you tire of the color, can be repainted without removing the original color. (unlike wall paper)Which is more long-lasting, wallpaper or paint (plastic emulsion)?
With the different painting techniques used now, I find it easier to paint, not to mention cheaper. If my tastes change, it is so much easier to apply paint on top of existing paint than to have to steam, strip and peel off old wallpaper.
depends on the type of paper and paint. we had some paper from the 70's in a bathroom, and it was the fabric type that my father (who is anal about EVERYTHING) put up, and that stayed up for 25 years or more! really ugly stuff...

paint- you can repaint whenever the mood hits. no peeling, etc. might chip, but then you just repaint. i think it lasts longer.

paper- not so easy to change...must take it down, and is difficult to put up if you aren't patient. sometimes you can paint over it, but i don't recommend it.
Emulsion painting of walls is uniform and longlasting; but wallpaper can be changed immediately if we are displeased with current one. However painting is lastin forever.

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